To you what is a "Groomer" and what classifies as "grooming" behavior?

I am Democrat and a parent, very curious about what conservatives think about my thoughts….If sex education for third graders goes beyond the scope of sexual reproduction and sexual health/safety, and into the realm of sexual acts for pleasure alone, or artistic ideals of sex, then I would have a problem with it. For example, teaching the male and female reproductive systems, endocrinology, puberty, and science and statistics is acceptable to me. However, teaching my kids about sexual art forms, such as drag shows, is not science. Further encouragement of sexual promiscuity, polygamy, sex outside of marriage is not within the purview of schools and is counter to public health education. I am fine with teaching kids that individuals are born heterosexual, homosexual or trans etc, assuming the education is clinical and scientific. When the education becomes about pride, changing broader cultural features of society, activism, politics, praising lifestyles for reasons outside of public health or a need for humanity to reproduce, or openly pro or anti religion, I believe this is idealogical grooming. We cannot allow some dumb@$$ teacher with a bachelors degree and 3.0 gpa and an ax to grind with society, or some militant political partisan teacher, have free reign on what or how they teach. This is why democrats and republicans have supported teachers sticking to defined curriculums for a long time now. However, now that even our kids have phones and teachers are posting videos for their classes, we see examples of crazy teachers stepping beyond the scopes of their professions. I agree with conservatives that we need to do something about this, I just don’t trust partisan political people to do jt. It needs to be done by science education and clinical education professionals.

/r/AskConservatives Thread