What happens when my account hits zero and I can't pay my next student loan payment?

I have applied, I just haven't gotten in. They hire new people constantly though (that's why I mentioned that tidbit about them taking on new comers) because I've applied twice now when they've had ads posted in the paper - the manager just says 'keep applying' when I've done so. I'm also waiting to hear back on a dishwashing/delivery job but I don't expect to hear anything until after the weekend.

You really need to understand; my town doesn't have a service industry. A few restaurants, two grocery stores, and the rest of the work either calls for experience I don't have or is within labor - that admittedly I haven't thought to look into disability, I didn't think I'd really fit the bill for it because this whole time I've been 'waiting' for my doctors appointments and hoping to get physio. I guess I haven't considered it a 'disability' in the classic sense of the term so I never sought out compensation for it, but I think I'll read up and maybe contact them and see if my case fits, but I really wouldn't hold out for it.

You're just not applying to the kind of work you need

I understand over the internet it's difficult to take in the complexities of peoples situations and such because you really do only know what is written and can only infer from that, but In the last month alone I've put out two rounds of applications to the business' I at least stand a chance at working at and haven't heard back. It's a small enough town that I've been able to just 'ask' about work and it always seems to be an issue of applying to late, as a lot of work kind of gets passed on by word of mouth and those who hear it and apply first get it while typically by the time it reaches the newspaper it's been to late.

I assure you I am applying though. It doesn't feel good anymore, regardless. I've switched around my resume and got it checked by peers and an old college professor and they've said, 'it checks out,' which is nice, but because of my lack of success I still feel like I'm just missing something, not presenting myself in the right way. Like, to not even have an interview after the amount of contact I've made with people hiring is frustrating.

I mean, I've been hear before though. You spend what seems like ages looking for work, and just when you give up, something falls in your lap. I'm hoping on Monday once all this new years hullabaloo is out of the way I can check again with one of the hardware stores.

Really though, a wide degree of work is being dished out simply by word of mouth and knowing the people who know the people, etc, etc. It's frustrating because I'm at a point where I want to develop professional skills in a more career oriented position but have, for the last two years, been stuck working minimum or barely above minimum like this.

So if I sound sulky, which I'm sure I do, please know it's because I've had so much trouble finding the bare-minimum of work, not even satisfying work, that I'm just tired of it in general, and none of this has helped. It sucks being told someone doesn't want you, but it's worse not even hearing back from the places you've applied because it just leaves me wondering, like now, 'what am I doing wrong.' When none of the steps you've made to alleviate that work, it just makes it worse. I'm just kind of exhausted.

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