What happens when stupid people think they know their rights..

Well, first of all thank you for actually articulating your dissent to my comment unlike some other lurking down voting cowards.


  1. I pay your salary. This is actually very important, in my opinion. The police work for tax payers, they are given authority by taxpayers, not the other way around. In this officer's mindset, citizens he interacts are "retarded" if they don't lick his boots. We really do have a problem with police militarization in American and we have seen the rise of this mindset that "they are at war." I've heard something along these lines around a dozen times in youtube videos I've seen. One example "Don't talk to my partner like that, he's the guy I go into battle with ever day." Who are they at war with? The taxpayers who have given them authority to uphold the law?


  1. You clearly couldn't do any other job. I actually said "we can assume you wouldn't do well in many other types of work." Which is true. We need to stop this practice of hiring dim people as law enforcement just because they won't get bored with it. I actually know some people personally who went out to be police, and would have made outstanding officers, but were rejected. They aren't looking for the best, they're looking for the meanest dumbest people they can find who will follow orders. I'm trying to refute the mindset of those in law enforcement, and also of civilians such as yourself, that they're exceptional. That's simply not true. And this general idea has been key in creating the corruption and injustice we are seeing today... juries will take the word of a law enforcement offer over that of an average citizen. Why? Not only is there no reason to, but we should be even more suspect of a cop because we know that they likely aren't the brightest bulb in the chandelier.


  1. You only have average intelligence. No argument here.


  1. You should be grateful for dealing with people like me. Not what I said or meant. What I meant is that he is likely getting paid a lot of money for doing his job (I think you would be shocked how much he is paid) and that includes dealing with difficult people who might feel uncomfortable or angry they are dealing with law enforcement. And recognize that attitude isn't "retarded" but instead is the very essence of what it means to be American.


My comment wasn't very civil because that officer needs a wake up call. He isn't performing a job like a waiter or a salesperson. He's performing a critical duty and often dealing with people at their very worst. If he can't see that, he needs to try being a salesman and what that's actually like.

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