What the hell is this?

I had the same issue today, except I am a level210 now and al.ost always play as VIP when I am not on cooldown :)

Story: was doing work with some low levels, 10-50 spread. Ok players. Doing search when all of a sudden server fills up and everyone takes an interest and comes looking. I see 8 white dots and so I hide. Usually I am on the front lines helping my guards as I am a really good player. But not with those odds. So I get found, I take them out and I find a new spot to hide. Thats when I notice that my vallient guards are being torn a new one. Dying left and right. I stau hidden and servive for remaining 5min whilst they die, lol. Anyway after its over I come out and start killing anyone who's still around to show strength as to discourage these numbers coming after us on other jobs, as well as to give a little saving grace to my dying comrades. I save them, we are split up, i get a bazzard and start aireal assult to gather troups and lay waste to those looking for a fight. These two high level players 248 and his buddy 80, but he played very good, so prolly secondary account. They get hydras..... I take them down, one using a bazzard other from ground, never dying to them. They come back again and again, so I gey my gaurds as they have regrouped afyer the aireal assult of theirs. We fly off to get the tank from military base, as vip work. We do, and there they are in a turrated limo. So I make them dust. Finish the job at the coastal town.

This is where it gets annoying. I habe a bad connection with one of them so having a sniper fight is tough with one of them. They start picking on my low level guard again. Its a long fight, one finally goes passive. As the other comes at us with a jet. Ffs, on the beach. So I manage to snipe his jet to a point where it kills him lol. I am able to contain them, but my guard had enough and only one remained as other two bailed to the city.

Ita now a beach battle, miniguns, marksman, heavy, its all being used. My poor lonely fella getting killed alot whilst I do my best to dessimate their relentless assult. I get a chopper to fly away just to get long range locked. back down ahain to the fight. Finally the 80 goes passive for good. But the 248 is still at it, why? As he kills me it shows me why, he was 1kill on me to 12 of mine on him. He was super mad, but I just dont know how many times my guard died so it was my job to protect.my low level crew.

I mean I was once like you, but there are good friendly players out there somewhere. I am one of them, i hate playing alone, its boring. And I wear police uniform so I tear.into those random killing rats, those bounties, and psychoes if they dare to cross me. I protect the weak, even if they are also trigger happy. Plus spawn trapping is far to easy in this game, I use it to punish players into passive mode, because somtimes we all need a good psycho out.

/r/gtaonline Thread