Hiring managers undermining experience when job-hunting?

Oh, actually my last manager told me about the jealousy. He framed that he noticed “competition” had started in the team. I never mentioned this situation to any hiring managers, the reasoning told to them for leaving was something else and we did not discuss much of my previous work relationships.

In the post I may have framed as an insult to a nationality, and I apologize for that. It is more a frustration with my old colleagues behavior, and honestly not fair to rule as a national issue.

I don’t think I’m better than other people more senior, but I’m pretty sure that I have a set of skills that is valuable and I’ve worked hard to polish my presentation. What is off putting to me is the reaction that I get when I talk about my skills, as if I should not know these things and have to prove my worth. I haven’t experienced this situation in my home country, so I don’t understand what is going on. Why should I not be able to do the things I do, or know the things I know? Why would they try do undermine me?

Maybe I’m being narcissistic, and need to reflect about my attitude. It is hard to adapt to a different place, the cultural shock is very real. Right now I’m questioning this new environment, maybe I need to question myself.

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