what illegal thing did you get away with?

[Throwaway] When I was 19 I worked at this place of business for 5 years. The money was great but the employees were the worst. (Racist,sexist,unprofessional) it was a place of business that had 5 total employees, 50 different cameras, and the owner was never around. I was tired of beig picked on daily for my sexuality. Harassment was of the extreme. I noticed that the manager and another employee were marking the books incorrectly but because I had no authority and the only one to report anything to was the guy doing the stealing, I kept my mouth shut. They caught onto me knowing and they made my life a living hell to make me quit. During this time I noticed my drawer coming up short and it started to happen more often. I had no way of contacting the owner. (I was hired here verbally by the manager, never anything written) So I decided to play their game. I knew where all the cameras were and how they were faced. I was able to watch the manager log into the security system using his phone. I downloaded the app and boom I was in the system. I watched for hours on end trying to figure out what it was that they were doing, till I figured it out. These guys were taking money out of my drawer and putting it under a bank bag that they would throw into the trash can. 30 minutes later the manager would throw out the trash and put a new bag on. When I figured out their routine, I began taking out the trash and keeping the money. After 5 attempts the money stopped disappearing from my drawer. Money value was about $2000 a week. Since I was done with these guys, I continued doing it by myself. These guys were so confused and turned on themselves. I got really cocky with the amount and double it weekly to $4000. The money loss became too much that the manager had to call the owner. When the owner arrived, he was pissed but the manager somehow convinced the owner that I was embezzleling the money and boom I was fired. Now although true, I was not going to go down without a fight. I hired a lawyer and we filed a wrongful termination and discrimination suit against them. I erased the entire hard drive of the security cameras including all archived videos. Before trial the owner decided to settle for a 6 figure digit. This was after 2 years of being fired. In the end, I am now happily working a job I love and have a pretty nice chunk of change in my savings account.

/r/AskReddit Thread