what illegal thing did you get away with?

About 15 years ago, I was into taking acid. I used it, off and on, for about 3 years. Mostly off but there was one summer where I got some every single weekend, for the most part.

Anyway, one time during the winter, I took some with one of my roommates(his gf also lived with us but she abstained that night due to work in the morning). We were the 3 Amigos. Inseparable. In fact, we're still best friends as we have been for over 20 years.

Well, like I said, my friend and I had taken some and we got hungry so decided to drive across town to get some Burger King. We hopped in my car and off we went. I was pretty nervous about driving like that but the idea of some BK overtook my apprehension about driving.

I turned out our driveway and then a couple blocks later, down a one-way street that was probably 1/2 mile long. When I was turning onto that street, I noticed a cop car had left the darkened pizza place's parking lot(it was night time, obviously) and then a few moments later had turned to go down the street right behind us.

That's when I got super nervous because now there's a cop literally 100 feet behind us and I'm very not sober. My friend kept me calm, made sure to just keep me focused on driving the speed limit(25mph) and things like that. I don't swerve when I drive or anything so that wasn't an issue. He said I was doing fine. But the cop wasn't turning into one of the alleys like they usually did in that part of town. I didn't know why because I was driving just fine.

Now, there's a stop light at the end of the one way street I was on and I had a green light so I was praying it would just stay green as I turned left so that I wouldn't have to just sit there and wait at that light because it took forever for that one-way street to get the green light again. I always hated how it was programmed like that.

So, we're approaching the intersection and I've double-checked that my turn signal is on and we get to about 40 feet from the actual intersection when, out of nowhere, this fucking other car coming from the left at about least 50 miles an hour blows through the intersection when his light was red. It scared the shit out of my friend and I. We didn't see it coming as there was a house blocking the view until you're right up on the intersection. Zoom!!! That car and his lights went through so fast. And, of course, massive trails from it all while freaking the hell out because he could have hit us had we been just a moment sooner.

The cop lit up his lights and siren so god-damned fast we didn't even have time to think. Just turned left onto the road. I immediately turned left onto the next street and drove our asses straight back home. My hands were shaking the entire time.

Those events caused two things to happen, as a result: I never ever drove while not sober again and we never got our Whopper Juniors, that night.

/r/AskReddit Thread