What % of you joined Mensa to feed your ego and what % of you joined because you wanted community?

Some people were taking a Mensa IQ test on the school computers during class. It was the old Mensa.dk one. A buddy who always said I was smart, even though I didn't believe it, convinced me to try. I was annoyed at him because part of me thought he was trying to be a dick, so I tried my hardest. I scored the highest and the test said I qualified for Mensa by a reasonable margin so a few days later I signed up to take the official test a few weeks later lol

When I got my results back I got exactly 132, which was 11 points lower than the online one. I attended two events and most people were much older than me, so they sort of acted as mentors. I'm still in contact with one of them through WhatsApp, and he helped me build self-esteem and believe in myself more.

/r/mensa Thread