What makes ENTP type superior to other types? Is it even?

I actually agree in a really tiny abstract sense but I won't for the purpose of this point.

"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid"

~ Einstein

In music, Mozart is a god. In music, Einstein (if he's ever critiqued or created) is a nobody. Mozart was a genius because he did the same thing as Einstein, defied the traditional logic of his field.

Einstein is a god in his own field. Of course Einstein had exposure to science, he was a fucking professor. He didn't just wake up and start mumbling astrophysics shit in zombie posture.

NTs have contributed to the world as much as any other type. Objectively, of course some have better capability of thinking rationally (or learning how to) than others. But that does not equate to greater contributions. Many of the greatest contributions to the world are through creative arts and politics. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Da Vinci, 'Moses', Socrates and Plato, Jesus the Christ, Karl Marx, Mozart, Beethoven, even Solzhenitsyn etc etc etc all of these were each geniuses who have changed the face of the earth, not through science and technology (I know who Da Vinci is). Yes, it is as equal an influence as inventing the wheel. West Germany blasted music through loudpseakers toward East Germany to taunt them and it was a contributing factor to the reunion. What a non NT thing to do. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_in_Nazi_Germany#Speakers](Hitler did the same thing.)

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