What makes a girl think "I want to fuck this guy." ?

Well here's the thing, and again this isn't all girls, but I'd say a lot of girls: your looks are what grabs a girl's attention initially. I personally like lanky guys. Some girls like muscular guys. Some girls like chubbier guys. Now, just because you catch a girls eye doesn't mean you will hold it. And just because a girl skims over you originally doesn't mean she won't develop an eye for you once getting to know you (though this is best for group settings, rather than one on one at a bar). I hate the bar scene FYI. I don't fuck with it. But anyways, here's an example, and yes I know it's a bit ridiculous. I got into a boy band recently. Seven hot guys, some of them outrageously hot. So of course at first, my favorite one was the one who's hottest and that a lot of girls like most. But there was one who I thought was kinda ugly and completely skimmed over. And as I got to learn more about the band and the members, guess who became my favorite one? The one I thought was ugly. He is a confident and intelligent guy (literally scores in the top 1% of his country) and it completely changed the way he physically looked in my eyes. Now his quirkiness is hot as fuck and I couldn't give two shits about the sexy one I originally had eyes for. I know it's not a good real life example, but I swear to you, looks might catch a girls eye originally, but it's personality that will drag them in. Now when it comes to your question about intelligence, it varies and probably depends on the person. You can get good grades in school, hold a steady job, be passionate or talented with something. I don't really know what to tell you. There isn't one answer. Lastly, emotional intelligence is a biggie. If you're a stone cold wall then gtfo I ain't about it. That's fine if you want to be "manly" or whatever, but if you can't communicate and connect emotionally, it's a no go.

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