What medical condition do you have that you thought was absolutely normal?

. I don't easily recognize people by looking at faces. I figure out who you are by your profile, hairstyle, voice, walk, and sometimes just guessing from context or what you're talking about.

For half my life I had no idea I wasn't normal. You know those cop shows on TV, where they walk into a bar and show a photo to the bartender? "Has this guy been in here this week?" I remember seeing that as a kid and thinking it was totally ridiculous. No freaking way could anyone recognize someone they don't know from a picture!

I have this. I didn't know always that I have this. Every time they show someone describing a face to sketch artists in a film or TV series, I always wondered how could anyone do that. I am afraid I'd not be able describe my wife's face, my mom's or anyone really close to me. After 5 years, I recognize most of my co-workers most of the time but sometimes I mess up.

Also I have the same problem recognizing voices. I have to always ask who it is unless the number is saved. My father used to tell me I do not pay attention. I tried to pay attention. It works for 2-3 hours if I am in an event and just got introduced. But if you meet me the next day, I'd have zero clue who you are.

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