Let's talk about Hunter Team Comps (w/ 4 of my own as examples!)

A few comments before I add on some thoughts of my own. I hope these comps are open to critiques...

Le Burst Snipers: I find Cabot's dust a bit redundant with a Crow on the team, but the damage amp definitely works wonders. This is a solid team.

The Death Ball: I don't know, this seems like a recipe for disaster if Hank goes down. A good monster is going to take advantage and either go for the surprise gimp or be able to avoid the short range players in the dome. Still, there's definitely something to having that insane close range damage, and orbital+poison grenades will do a good job of keeping monsters out of corners.

Kite City Bitch: Annoying as hell to a sneaking monster, but lacking any stopping power CC. Great area denial, but since the comp is built around catching up, a good monster is going to turn and kill Maggie every time. No, seriously, Sunny's jetpack booster will get her killed. It's a big problem. Definitely good if the trapper doesn't get too big for her britches, though.

Lategame Nightmare: You said it yourself, Lazarus is the pin on which the whole comp drops. There's no reason for a monster to focus anyone but Lazarus here, and there's not much the other players can do about it. Especially because with an Abe (even with bucket to supplement,) most monsters are going to get Level 2 and thus be able to burst through turret locks and the 1 or 2 healing bursts Laz will get off before he goes down. Really needs to be played exceptionally.

Personally, I've got a few favorites:

Beam Team Val, Griffin, Hank, Markov.

Incredibly defensive, which is great because Griffin is otherwise horrible about self-defense. Tranqs+harpoons means the monster is gonna have a bad time, and the added deniability of Markov mines in-dome is maddening. If you're tranq Val also manages to counter a few of Griffin's problems in being able to catch up to the monster, since her tranq is hitscan. Even catching a glimpse nearly always results in a dome.

Plus it's fun to see shield, heal, harpoon, lightning.

Trap Squad (Any medic), Maggie, Bucket, Markov.

Because fuck your level 3 win.

The One Where Slim Tanks Slim, Abe, Cabot, Parnell

Slim takes damage resistance. The other three do damage. No, seriously, abuse Slim's tanking power while you can. He's insane. Wtf.

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