Why Women Find White Men More Attractive

I'd like to add: "Chinese privilege" is apparently a thing in Singapore now. See: http://boundary2.org/2015/03/04/chinese-privilege-gender-and-intersectionality-in-singapore-a-conversation-between-adeline-koh-and-sangeetha-thanapal/. Some of it is SJW stuff, but a good part of the analysis here is spot on to what you've said.

The chinese were getting all the girls. They were acting more aggressive than I see in the West. They acted aggressively around taller Indians or Malays, and the Indians or Malays acted sheepish and beta. I think its something to do with human psychology and alpha male mentality. Who is top dog is very context specific.

An excerpt: "Singapore prides itself on being a postracial society, and within the Indian community, there has been indeed been a strong increase of Indian men dating and marrying Chinese women. And yet, the reverse is rarely true–Chinese men do not usually date or marry Indian women. It is also important to realize that the Indian men who marry Chinese women are by and large extremely well-educated members of the higher Indian-Singaporean socioeconomic classes. Chinese women are not marrying blue-collar Indian men, but rather those considered most eligible. Again, race and class issues are intertwined here." This is to state the above in reverse, but I think the principle holds true. Institutional power sometimes goes beyond the "alpha" characteristics (e.g. height, physical attributes) displayed by an individual, but it won't hurt to have both either.

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