What memories do you have that you aren't sure are real?

I vividly remember, at some point when I was a kid, seeing a vision of a game screen. Two screens, horizontal, divided by a small line, with a game on it. The top had a character in a black cloak running in a dark area, the bottom had menus, and it was like a commercial of some sort. I can't remember where I saw it. I recognized it as Kingdom Hearts, a game series I had never heard of until that point.

I went to Blockbuster and rented Kingdom Hearts for the first time because of this memory. This was years before the Nintendo DS was ever released, too. I saw the Kingdom Hearts game on the Nintendo DS even before the system was created or I knew what that series was, and that vision then drove me to rent that series and play it and create years of memories with it.

Freaky stuff. Still have no clue where it came from.

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