What moment would you have treasured more, had you known it was going to be the last time?

I am a goofy nerd. In the late 90s/early 00s I was a journalism major. I worked at the campus TV station with 50% goofy nerds and 50% beautiful news people. One semester I was selected to co-anchor the news with this 5'10" drop dead gorgeous blonde with legs for days. We got to know each other as the semester wore on and one night ended up at the same party. We started chatting and after a few drinks we were making out. One thing leads to another and we end up back at my place and, uh, "make news" until the sun rises. I assume this is a one-time deal and will be over in the light of day but to my surprise she doesn't come to her senses and we continue to hook up a couple times a week. I delivered pizzas at the time and when it would get slow I'd put in a pie for her and drop it by her place and then we'd "make news" and then I'd go.

One Saturday night I drop by a pie, late, 1am. The M:F ratio before I arrive is 1:1. When I arrive I upset the ratio. Her and I retire to her room to complete the "make news" ritual. After that she dodged my calls.

Gents, if you've ever banged a 10... you always would have treasured it more if you'd known it was the last time.

/r/AskReddit Thread