what is the most overpaid profession?

Consultants - everyone just accepts they’re expensive but no one quite knows what they do. Project/product managers (not construction but things like website improvements/online system testing - stepdaughter works an hour a day delegating a few tasks but warns over £70k plus bonus. So little work she goes on holiday or visits us (few hours away) without telling anyone and just checking her emails every 2 hours.

Edit. Just adding.

This is at age 24-28, so not a very experienced person, just a few years. This has been the same at her current and precious work - two of the big 4 or 5 consulting firms most people will know. She’s about to move to an in house product manager role (website stuff again but consumer focused) at a large us company (not a consultant company). Will see if she actually has to earn the money.

/r/AskReddit Thread