What is the most painful thing someone has ever told you? (SERIOUS)

My ex was verbally abusive, we were together 5 years, lived together and had a dog together. One night he hid behind a door while screaming at me telling me that “ I was a heffa and I’ll never be able to lose weight” ( I was trying to lose weight, Im also not overweight and pretty fit) I was going to fail Uni so don’t get too excited ( I had just got into a degree to be a social worker), I would still be on ice if it wasn’t for him ( we met while we were doing drugs and I got sober with him) and then told me that he should’ve listened to his friends who told him to get a HIV tested after he met me because I was the easiest root he ever had. Then I beat that door down and he somehow turned it around me and I took myself to therapy because I thought I had anger issues. Thank god for therapy and fuck that guy!!!!

/r/AskReddit Thread