What other options are there instead of SSRIs?

Cymbalta, Effexor - SNRIs. Good antidepressants for GAD but usually with more sides than SSRIs and harsher withdrawals. Pregabalin - gabapentinoid. If you're sure you're problems are purely anxiety-based, this might be something to look into. Viibryd, Trintellix - serotonin modulators (not SSRIs). Mirtazapine - tetracyclic. Note, has a strong sedative component. Amitriptyline, Imipramine, etc. - tricyclics. They usually are sedative and have a wider range of sides than SSRIs. Moclobemide - reversible MAOI (no dietary restrictions). But if you're in the US, I don't believe it's available. Phenelzine, Tranylcypromine, etc. - irreversible MAOIs. Dietary restrictions for tyramine intake needed.

From the sound of it your doctor is unlikely to prescribe a tricyclic and almost certainly not an MAOI. If you're willing to put up with potentially more side effects than the SSRIs, the SNRIs might be good to try. OTOH the sedation mirtazapine gives might be positive for your GAD if you're the type to feel agitated, esp. in bed, a lot. Pregabalin is effective for GAD but won't give the same antidepressant effects as the others, if that's desired.

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