What "phase" did you go through that you're embarrassed about now?

Right now I'm in the self aware with low self esteem phase, but that's because I started noticing how people acted around me when I went through other phases.

From kindergarten to grade 4: I did not like sports, refused to participate in anything sporty. I thought sport was dumb (Reason why I got fat) anything in this part is forgivable because of my age, but I was seriously unhealthy.

Grade 7-9: I started telling everyone I was batman. I would go up to random people and say dumb things. I would say "your mom" or "your face" a lot, I even went up to seniors and would say that, surprisingly only 1 person was aggressive to me after one of these interactions. That reaction stopped me from saying "your mom". I was proudly 'the weird kid'.

9-11: depressed r/iamverysmart phase. I hated cool kids, I didn't talk to girls, I thought I was better then everyone but I didn't talk to anyone or have friends. I convinced myself I enjoyed life when I was the weird kid (previous phase), because I was happy. I hated everyone for taking that happiness from me, I wanted to be ignorant. I thought my intelligence was my curse.

Tldr- primary school- hate sports.
1/2 high school- weird kid.
2/2 high school- depressed r/iamverysmart.

/r/AskReddit Thread