What physical qualities make girls unattractive?

Alright I'm gonna be harsh here because no other guy in this post seems to be honest....

Dry skin: Eczema, psoriasis, ashy skin, anything that looks dry. It's unnattractive. As a man with eczema, I understand how you can't really get rid of it, but it still is pretty unattractive. Cover it up

Ptosis: Drooping of eyelid or where the eyelids seemed to be unequally open. It makes you look like you are intellectually disabled. I also ptosis too, but it only shows up when I am looking at someone really close.

Acne: Pretty obvious. It's unattractive.

Makeup: Ok ok, I actually like makeup, and most guys do too so don't let anyone tell you different. But if you don't know how to fucking use, then DON'T use it. You look better without makeup than you do with misused makeup. Ask your friends to train you or something.

Untrimmed eyebrows: If your eyebrows look like this, its unattractive, so pluck it. Go here to find out how to manage your eyebrows, or ask a friend. Seriously. Eyebrows can make or break your look, they are very important.

Bad teeth: Brush and floss. And if you have yellow teeth, well too bad, thats unattractive. Get some whitening strips. P.S though, there is such thing as TOO white.

Greasy hair/dry hair: Obvious

Dandruff/dry scalp: Disgusting

Bad smiles: Ehh, I guess you might gain a few bad built points for this but it isn't a deal breaker for most.

Overly sized boobs or butt: This is my opinion. I think there is such thing as over sized features, but you might meet a few that are ok with it.

Facial hair, neck hair, back hair, leg hair, arm hair: Badbuilt+++ Look like a gorilla.

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