What is the thing that surprised you the most when you traveled to a country you had never been to before?

Not my experience but my Aunt's. Back in 2018, my family and I went to LA to visit some relatives. We stayed at a hotel near LAX for a day (to adjust to the jetlag).

On my Aunt's very first morning there, she decided to go down to the breakfast bar with my little cousin (9 years old). She asked her daughter to sit and stay at a table so they could reserve it.

While her back was turned, a group of other people entered. They sat right beside my cousin (7 years old), at the same table. When my Aunt saw this, she politely said it was taken. The group insisted it was theirs now and proceeded to give them attitude.

A couple of people saw this and invited them over to have breakfast with them instead. I don't want to say anything else, but it was definitely bullying and racial discrimination.

I just want to say thank you to the people who offered kindness to my family on the very first day. The tone of our trip would've been completely different had they not extended a hand.

/r/AskReddit Thread