What popular quote is complete bullshit?

Agree. If anyone won 100 million dollars they would be financially secure for the rest of their life thus taking away all financial stress, who ever came up with that quote has never been poor the stress is immense when you are counting pennies to buy food.

Also many people use most of their time on working at a job they don´t like for maybe 8-10+ hours plus commuting I even went down with depressing many years ago when I started working full time because after only 2 weeks I realized I have to do this 8-10 hours 5 days a week for the rest of my life with fewer free days than when I was in school.

If I had millions I could buy a car and not just any car but any car I wanted, I could buy a beautiful house or travel or move to another country (probably not atm) my point is anything fun costs money as an adult, all hobbies do even if you hang out with friends you need money for shopping, or eating at restaurants, working out etc. A quote said by Eric Cartman "Don´t you know that the rule in life is anything that is fun cost at least 5 bucks" and that is so true probably not the amount but just pointing out anything fun costs money.

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