What profile factors make you msg or reply to a guy on dating apps

Breakers -

  • Spelling and sentence usage. If it's full of emoticons we won't have anything in common. It looks like idiocracy to me. If numbers or letters replace words forget it. If there's any ghetto type language - circular file cabinet. A guy is are either literate or they're not.
  • Near enough to my age? Not too old not too young.
  • Face pic in profile or if torso has sent his face in his message?
  • HIV status and most recent date filled in, if it wasn't in the last 3 months, toss it.
  • Are we sexually compatible? Why would I meet a total bottom if I'm a vers/bottom.
  • Obesity, greying, thinning or balding, unkempt body or facial hair, long hair.
  • Too much muscle or too skinny extremes.
  • Bisexual, married, has gf/wife. I'm not someone's experiment nor escape pole.

Sealers -

  • Confident but not arrogant, tough to pull off.
  • Seems genuine.
  • Gives me enough information to make a competent informed decision quickly, respects my time.
  • Large penis would be nice as a cherry on top.
  • Average body neither slim nor too muscled, doesn't care about the abs either extreme has.
  • Degree and job that goes with it.
  • No children or other baggage.
  • In private life is out of the closet and not leading a double-life.
  • Is gay not bisexual and is single.
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