What reason would there be for ashwagandha to cause anxiety?


Ingestion of iodine or exposure above this threshold is generally well-tolerated. However, in certain susceptible individuals, including those with pre-existing thyroid disease, the elderly, fetuses and neonates, or patients with other risk factors, the risk of developing iodine-induced thyroid dysfunction might be increased. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism as a result of supraphysiologic iodine exposure might be either subclinical or overt, and the source of the excess iodine might not be readily apparent.

If you're taking Iodine at dosages that induce hypothyroidism you could be causing permanent or semi-permanent damage.

The underlying mechanism of iodine-induced hypothyroidism remains unclear, but could be attributable to failure to adapt to the acute Wolff–Chaikoff effect, probably because of a damaged thyroid as a result of previous pathological insults.

Several cases of congenital hypothyroidism caused by ingestion of excess maternal iodine tablets during pregnancy have been reported

Given the risks of potential iodine-induced thyroid dysfunction, the American Thyroid Association recommends against ingestion of an iodine or kelp daily supplement containing >500 μg iodine for all individuals, except for certain medical indications.

By what I can see about the effects of hypothyroidism-inducing Iodine doses they are likely very dangerous to be taking unless you're already diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.

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