What’s a funny historical fun fact from your country?

So during the Mexican revolution there wasn’t one revolutionary army, there were several that United under Venustiano Carranza.

When the revolutionaries won the war they agreed to meet up in Mexico City to proclaim Carranza as president. The problem was that the largest army “the Zapatistas” got there days early.

So their general had the problem of having a bored army just standing around in Mexico City so he took his entire army out drinking while the rest of the revolutionaries got there.

So for a few days Mexico City was a mess of 250,000 drunk revolutionaries. Emiliano Zapata the leader of the Zapatistas famously shot up a cantina while he was drunkenly celebrating. And that cantina still exists called “La opera” and they have the famous bullet that general Zapata shot at the bar calling while he was trying to keep his men entertained

/r/AskReddit Thread