What’s your secret that could literally ruin your life if it came out?

(re-using a recent throwaway for this)

I don't have a partner, but I actively lie about how much money I have saved to my friends. I currently have a very low income (I will survive though), but I do have some savings.

I could probably be honest about it if it wasn't for one specific friend who just cannot grasp the concept of "I have the money, but I don't want to spend it on that".
He even actively tries spending my money for me. If I don't give a hard "no, definitely not. I will not reconsider" he interprets it as "I'll join if you just pay for me and treat it as a loan". I've had to actively stop him from doing that multiple times, I'm sure one day he'll end up losing money as I will not pay him back if I didn't explicitly agree to loaning it (and I won't do that, because I do have the money even though I tell him otherwise).

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