What’s your “thank god that’s over with and I never have to do it again” thing in your life?

I'm a vegan for moral reasons (have been for almost ten years and will be until I die) and got a Stage IV cancer diagnosis this year. I'm in my early forties with no history of this cancer in my family.

Cancer doesn't give a fuck. Plenty of vegans get cancer (read The Vegan RD's blog post on this if you don't believe me). Babies and little kids get cancer. Anyone can get fucking cancer.

I've done the research and seen the studies that indicate a good diet/exercise/stress management can potentially help lower cancer risk and may help you recover once diagnosed. But it's not a cure all and nothing is guaranteed. You can do everything right and still get cancer.

Belittling people for "poisoning" their bodies with chemo and acting like they caused their cancer is an unbelievably shitty thing to do.

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