What satirical shows does your country have?

Well while comedy here tends to be absolute horrible (apparently there is a bit of truth in the stereotype that Germans are unfunny). On the other hand satire tends to be a lot better. There are lots of shows like for example Die Anstalt, Extra3, Heute Show (similar to the daily show), Neo Magazin Royale (with that guy who pissed of Erdogan), Mitternachtsspitzen and some more.

But the artists on their own tend to be better. Volker Pispers for example is one of the most popular artists. The best in my opinion is Georg Schramm who uses the German language to its full extend to deliver devastating punchlines. Another notable artist is Serdar Somuncu the self proclaimed "Hassprediger" (hate preacher) who is anything but politically correct.

/r/AskEurope Thread