What screams "I'm upper class"?

Lmao you’re getting a lot of hate for this comment but I think it’s unnecessary. I was in a slightly similar position... my parents also refused to fill out the FAFSA for me for the same reason, but they were able to pay for my college with the intention of me paying them back once I have a full-time job and am making enough. I have two siblings that they’re doing the same for. My parents don’t make nearly what yours do, but enough for my mom to work on and off while my siblings and I were growing up. I still worked part time at Burger King in high school and had jobs all through college, and I paid for all my cars and insurance. I’m grateful for the help that my parents did give me, but I’m also grateful that they firmly taught me that I have to work for the things I want in life. I think they balanced it well for me

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent