Faith Crisis Question

The issue for me as a youth that grew up in the church and did Scouting, Mutual, Seminary, Mission, etc is simply when people talk about these "good programs" in the church, honestly if you stop and think about it. How good can something be if it happens to be based on half truths, deception, or lies?

Or let me put this another way, if I personally did half of the things that Joseph Smith did, would you trust me to Mentor your children?

The answer I would hope would be a resounding no.

And the church is changing anyway and focusing even more on the Gospel when they enact their 2 hour block January of 2019 Scouting is all but disappearing being replaced by Spiritual stuff that will just emphasize more Christ centered things for your kids.

But the end goal is the same, stress that Temple attendance and Tithing is important!

Take your kids to the mountains, go hiking with them. Take them fishing, do things together that foster happy memories, your don't need a church or its "youth programs"

And if you feel that you do, your kids could still do Scouting without the LDS involvement.

They can still do camp too :)

/r/exmormon Thread