What secret are you hiding from everyone?

My situation wasn't exactly the same, but I feel for this so much.

I went to 4 different schools in 4 years. The first two years it wasn't bad or very hard to make friends, but that changed. I'm not really sure why. It might've been me closing off and/or getting tired of having to find new friends so much, but I ended up pretty lonely at my 4th school.

It wasn't to a high degree, but I think I may have been depressed during the 2 years I stayed at my 4th school. I didn't have many friends and the few I did were pretty superficial friendships. Ngl I became pretty into anime and used it as a form of escapism. I really wanted genuine friendships.

It was tough. I just couldn't click with the people around me, and since they had their own established groups that just made it even harder. I used to be a sociable person but I was really quiet then.

I don't really have any advice or anything for you, sorry

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