What secret do you hide from your family and will take to your grave?

Between 11 to 14 years of age I would actively sabotoge my Mom's relationships.

The guys she kept dating were all very shady. Abusive at times. One of them would demand I play video games with him but would then beat me when I won. Like actively punch, kick, throw the controller etc.

Another one would demand perfect silence all the time when he was home. The slightest noise and he would lose his shit. He once started shooting up drugs while driving and had me hold the wheel for him.

Another one was addicted to gambling and said he would only be in the casino for a few minutes. The casino was two hours out of town by foot. I took my sister and walked home.

So I would do things. Put their clothes in the cat's litterbox so it would piss on them. If I found out they were cheating or lied to my Mom about what they were doing I would make the evidence more obvious for my Mom to find.

I would take their things and just gently almost broke them so when they used the item it would actively break.

I'd steal their cards from their wallets and destroy them by sneaking home during lunch and quietly doing it while they were out or busy.

At one point after being shaken violently and thrown toward my bed where I smashed my head off the metal frame I had enough. I downloaded a bunch of gay porn and put it on his devices and made it obvious that it looked like he was using my Mom's computer. Which had porn in the history.

I then logged into his email (the password was saved) and "accidentally" sent a message meant for his "gay lover" (another email address I made up) to my Mom instead. It had a fake reply with a picture of a random naked guy in it is who was supposedly his lover.

I have no regrets. I still have the scars from when they would beat me.

/r/AskReddit Thread