What "unhealthy" food is actually healthy? (serious)

But if you actually used BMI you would know it says almost everyone is overweight.

I know that 70% of american adults are overweight and 35% are obese, yes, and it's not good.

Oh i forgot you suggested also adding a waist circumference to that reading lmfao.

Which is a common follow-up for people who are heavy but not fat, eg very muscular people. Narrow waist usually indicates low level of body fat, ie not a health concern.

Just give up and admit you are wrong and dont know what the f you are talking about.

Why would I do that immediately after you posted something that directly agrees with everything I'm saying? Your inability to use punctuation properly makes me wonder about your reading ability, so I will reiterate what I've said:

Being overweight, specifically having a high amount of body fat, is unhealthy. It is not the only unhealthy thing, but it is unhealthy. There is a very simple way of judging with pretty high confidence whether someone is overweight and should consider losing weight, or whether they are in a healthy range. This test is not perfect, but it is extremely simple and works in the vast majority of cases. Being a healthy bodyweight is not the only thing necessary to be healthy, but it is one significant factor.

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