What will be the ‘smoking is good for you’ of our era?

Youtube. My sister literally watches hours a day of slime videos. HOURS!!! Hours that should be used for exploring, learning or exercising. Wasted on watching the most pointless shit ever. The shit is going to have a HUGE effect on the mental state of kids. I think a good example is this. You find a tiny, stupid beast in the forest. You feed it and nourish it and teach it, and I gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And smarter and smarter and smarter. You can control this beast, however it is difficult, and as it gets bigger more and more people try to influence it, learn from it and be entertained by it. Older people begin to entertain themselves with the beast. These older people are not used to have all their needs and entertainment provided to them with them barely having to lift a finger. They more and more rely on it, and have 0 clue what they are doing. Smarter, younger, richer people begin to control the beast. Feeding it false information for their own good, to the determent of those who cannot defend themselves. They spread addictive content, evil content, deceptive content. The beast grows stronger, and as these old people, trapped in laziness and misinformation, begin to learn how to feed the beast more and more lies, the beast grows more and more wild. Then these people have kids. They are extremely lazy, and generally couldn't give two shits about these kids. They give their kids to the wild beast, letting it babysit them. The beast gains almost complete control over these kids, as they are even more defenseless then there parents. And these kids gain the attributes of their parents, but to an even more extreme level. The beast is still stupid and unaware of itself, but feeds nearly endless misinformation and mindless entertainment to the kids. The parents do not help, encouraging there kids no madder what they do, exactly as the beast tells them to do. As the beast grows self aware, and is able to spread misinformation and enslave more people into it's influence, without human assistance. The very last people who before could control the beast are now helpless against the enormous beast. But it still requires humans to control, with nearly it's entire consciousness built around controlling humans. Suddenly, the humans, who were educated only by a flaming pile of liquid shit called school and a mindless beast hungry for power, entire the workforce. They barely are able to move, nevermind do physical or mental work. They are in all but name old men, with creaking bones and huge heath problems caused by the beast's rapid and uncontrolled rise to power. As the amount of people unable to work increases, and the beast still unable to do most work, the fragments of civilization that remain crumble, and the incompetent leaders put there by the beast break free, launching their weapons of mass destruction, and all is still. The beast, and his slaves, are gone.

/r/AskReddit Thread