What will your reaction be if Bungie does another blanket nerf for Pulse Rifles?

Blanket nerf? No. Overall balancing? Yes.

Little tweaks here and there is what we need to have a balance between PvE and PvP.

Pulse Rifles need a big stability nerf, the range is fine, but stability shouldn't be more of than a scout rifle. Scout rifles are meant to be effective at long range engagements since they already are ineffective when it comes to long range (slow rof).

Auto Rifles are where they need to be at the moment, perfect for short to mid range gunfights. It's all about the user now to hit those headshots for max damage. High RoF - High Magazine - Low Impact ARs do very well in close range.

Scout Rifles imo are balanced as well, they should be the next thing to Sniper Rifles, they should reign supreme in big maps and long range engagements.

Hand Cannons, this weapon archetype really needs to go away, they should just take them off or turn them plus prior exotics into the sidearm archetype. I believe in the early stages of Destiny, HCs were already meant to be a sidearm, but some dumbnuts wanted to fulfill the "Space Cowboy" dream. What's a cowboy without his trusty pistol / revolver? But seriously, hand cannons / pistol / sidearm no matter what you call it belong to the "secondary / special" category. Destiny is the only game I know where pistols are considered primary weapons. Until they completely move this weapon type to sidearms instead of primary hand cannons, they can never be balance or competitive to the other 3 weapon types. If anything is possible is that they are most effective at short ranges but no more effective than auto-rifles. Sounds like a sidearm doesn't it? If you think about it, if you have Hung Jury scout rifle as a primary and TLW as your exotic special. You can easily deal off with those close gunfights, but shotguns are still OP, so until they balanced those as well between fusions and sidearms. We just don't know yet.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread