What was the worst ever waste of money you have ever spent?

Dragon Age: Inquistion. Thank God I didn't pay full price for it. Yes I got out of the hinderlands. I played for about 25 hours, but it was more like I HAD to play it because I payed for it. Very little fun was had and then I just asked myself why? Then I put it down and never touched it again. Even though it got good 'professional' reviews I still saw a lot of people saying it wasn't that good, but I didn't listen. I watch so many reviews and it just looked like he couldn't be bad. But it was so god awful. I was so excited to play it. I read all this stuff about the story and lore to get you into it and I was pumped it reminded me a bit of game of thrones. The story wasn't the poor point of the game though for me. It was just the actual game play. Nothing about it is fun or entertaining. I got good with my potions but I just never understood why there is no healing magic. Horrible horrible idea. I could just never get into the game from the start because of that. Literally no way to heal but potions? Ugh. Also with the way the world is movement needed to be more like assassins creed or even uncharted instead it's worse than skyrims simple movement. It's a hassle to get around anywhere that's not flat.

Man it's just so bad. I get upset thinking about it. It literally almost made me stop playing games. After I was done with this pile of shit I put my ps4 away and took out my ps1 a few days later to play some personal childhood favorites (xenogears and star ocean) to remind me how much I love gaming. Dragon Age literally pushed me that far I had to rediscover my gaming roots.

Thankfully I picked up the Witcher 3 about a week ago and my ps4 has never seen so much usage.

/r/patientgamers Thread