What would your trigger Event have been? Others, say what their powers would be. [Powers game]

I'll phrase it with flavor just to give an idea, but this happened. (I'm better now. Medicine does wonders.)

It's been days of hearing them taunt me and tear apart everything about me, unable to sleep each night, listening to them go through what they've seen, what they know, my flaws, how they all hate me. Faking my way through days and interactions, barely able to hear people talk over the noises, getting irritable because people are such fucking mumblers. Realizing it isn't real and losing grip on that realization as one shocking or terrifying comment scatters my resolve to the wind, or someone around me physically says or does something that forces me to consider what if it were true, and like that my mind wanders and the knowledge that it's hallucinations is lost again, so I start believing it again, perhaps for hours. A loop all on its own, round and round, losing my mind again and again. It's not real. It's not real. Their volume doesn't change when I block my ears, because it's from inside. The stethoscope couldn't detect anything louder. Recordings don't pick them up. It's not real, keep remembering it. They start bringing up counter examples, moments where people seemed to reference the voices and what they'd told me. The patterns pointing to this all being an elaborate joke or punishment. Gaslighting they say. The references are to scare me, to acknowledge what they're doing without giving me enough evidence to confirm it. To wear me down, until I do what they say.

And It has worn me down, slowly chipped away at my life. I'm doing less and less, because of the way they've managed to turn activities against me, judge me for it, start shouting at me or harassing me over it. Now i'm avoiding everyone, everything, sitting quietly listening to the voices each day and night as they run through everything wrong with me, faking normalcy to buy food. Doing nothing else otherwise, just thinking. Sometimes they're observant, sometimes I manage to become a better person, for a while, until I eventually break again.

In the beginning they'd tell me to check places to find out how they did it. Check the attic. check outside. Each time I looked to find nothing broke me a little more. Now they just laugh after suggesting a place, knowing I'm too scared to check and not sure whether finding something or nothing would be worse.

The conspiracy against me, my friends, my hometown even. They tell me I need to move, they hate me, all of that. They've put cameras and listening devices in my flat. Maybe something in my head, I don't know... but why can't I find them?

I hate me too, especially after begging with them, lashing out at them, tried everything. Still. It's not real, they don't hate me this much, nobody could hate me this much, i've not-

"For fucks sake, your stupidity is astonishing us all, yes it's all of (town.), you're sickening us. Your thoughts are being broadcast, that's why we hate you. Stop doing it."

My mind races over all the things i've thought of over the last few days, and I feel ill. I lurch from thought to thought desperately trying to settle on something that I can keep a grip on, that -

Something vast. (I'd wager this is where it'd happen.)

/r/Parahumans Thread