What is your best I ran from the cops and got away from them stories?

Doesn't exactly fit the question, but it's a great story nonetheless.

I was at an outdoor music festival in Tempe AZ on St Patty's day. Having consumed a bunch of alcohol, I needed to use the restroom. On my walk back to meet my friend, I came across a group of kids smoking what was obviously a joint. For the first and only time, I asked them for "a drag" instead of "a hit". They obliged. The instant the joint went into my possession, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Sure enough, it was a Tempe police officer. He asked me what I had in my hand and I told him it was a cigarette. He was quick to let me know it was a marijuana cigarette. I immediately went into acting mode and played dumb. I kinda freaked out, saying something like "Oh no!", threw it on the ground and mashed it into the dirt and grass with my foot. This turn of events upset the officer as he pushed me off all the precious evidence, then called for backup.

While one officer tried to salvage joint bits, the original began to question me. I lied right through my teeth claiming that I've never smoked pot before in my life and assumed it was tobacco. My bad! Sorry officer! He wasn't buying it. They searched me, found nothing. Their scouring of the ground resulted in more regular grass than the grass I was trying to smoke.

After about 45 minutes and still standing in the same spot (with a large crowd of observers), the original officer let me know he would have to let me off with a warning, but he needed some info from me to record the detainment. The icing on the cake was when he asked me for the name of my employer, which I refused to divulge. I'll never forget the look on his face, like you have got to be shittin me kid!!

Running away after they told me to scram, I thought my heart was gonna burst through my chest. What a rush. It took a while to regain my composure well enough to find and then tell my friend what had just happened.

/r/AskReddit Thread