What was your biggest "I need to get the fuck out of here" moment?

I was young, possibly Nine or Ten. Theres this annual fall/Halloween festival in my city, went every year. Has the traditional attractions..dressed up pumkins, haycart rides, you know, things like that.

Theres this one attraction I never got to do alone, the maze. Not made from hedge, but old, beat up fences at night, fairly freaky. My parents finally decided to let me give it a go and being nine or ten, I was terrified after ten steps.

I kept wandering until I hit a dead end. Common enough in a maze right? but there was a person. Crouched down, turned slightly away, wearing something heavy, the details are hazy. Now it was dark, hard to see specifics but when a little bit of light reflects of steel, you damn well see it. The figure had taken out a knife and slowly started to rise. I bolted.

I managed to find the enterence, pretty traumatised from the experience. Parents though it must be part of the attraction. Brother thought it was funny, and must have been a prank. He actually told me he arranged it to calm me down eventually but I found out years later he lied to stop me from freaking out. I can tell you this, my parents ended up finding out it wasn't part of the attraction. Was it just a prank? Probably. but Im glad I ran.

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