What is your "Fuck this, I'm out!" moment?

When I moved to Victoria in 2004, I had taken a wrong turn while trying to find the grocery store on my 2nd day there.

I ended up in this large, wooded area with a winding road that just kept going deeper and deeper and the surrounding trees got so thick that it was like night at 2pm.

Suddenly a tinted windowed, white van was tailgating me and I pulled over to let them pass. They initially just stopped but eventually passed. About 1 min later, He had pulled to the side of the road with his car off and turned it back on and followed me as soon as I passed.

I then sped up and He matched my speed, still tailgating. He hit the brakes during one sharp turn and I was a bit ahead of him,pulled over and turned my own car off, he started to pass, slammed the brakes when he saw me behind him.

I ripped a U Turn and sped out of there and to the nearest populated area which was a gas station. I got out of my car and walked into the gas station.

The guy FOUND MY CAR, pulled up next to it, stuck his head out of his window to look at it. He had long greasy hair and was pretty dirty in general. He then scanned the gas station patrons, I assume to see if anybody was looking at him...and left.

I waited another couple minutes before leaving the gas station just to be safe. I never saw that van again. I lived there for a year before moving back to the Mainland

/r/AskReddit Thread