What was your greatest "I can't believe what is happening right now" moment in a MMO?

this gopnna be a long post to explain everything

Back then when I played WAR (Chaos side on the first spanish server) we dominated Order pretty hard. We had the numbers advantage and a lot of hardcore pvp guilds. I was in KAZ, probably the largest and most hardcore.

So we were pressing for the world first city siege, along with a handful of european and american servers.

You wouldnt believe how hard that shit was back then, we needed to lock 2 of the 3 tier 4 pairings within 2 hours, and to lock a pairing we needed to dominate its PvP zone, win all the BGs, do PvE public quests and have people locking the tier 3 pairing for an extra score boost...if any of those went south we wouldnt get the score required to lock the pairing.

Quite an ordeal that practically required the collaboration of the whole server, everyone online doing their part, either grinding PvE publics, camping the pvp lakes and scouting for Order forces to try to retake objetives, and having A-team premades doing BGs nonstop.

Once a poairing was locked down, we'd get to the fortress fight, which was your standard castle siege except much larger, and the NPC Lord of the fortress was absolutly fearsome, he caused way more wipes by itself than the defenders stacking on the throne room.

long story short, after a few days of attempt, we DID get the 2 pairings locked down, the first fortress went down , and off we went to beat the second fortress that would grant access to the city siege.

up until that point Order werent doing much of anything, because as I said they were pretty outnumbered and outgunned, and those days the best defense would be to simply not show up at all, so we didnt get kills on the field or BGs going on, hence lower scores, hence much harder to get the scores to lock the pairings...

But as the second fortress siege started, Order went on a frenzy of activity and put EVERYONE currently online to defend that fortress, even level 20s that were of lil to no use against us 50s in good gear. Even with that, and even with the superOP fortress lords, we'd have beaten them..except....

what did they do?

yeah, talk. a lot. basically spam the chat with "smjghdasghdgashd" and such, as many as you could fit per second. everyone. on. the. fortress. zone.

Did I mention that WAR was notorious for its shitty netcode and horrible server stability? well, the chat spam basically killed the zone every single time, kicking everyone out of the server and resetting the lord's health.

they did that for well over 45 mins (what was left to get to the city), with every time more and more chaos players getting fed up and bailing out of the whole nonsense.....

until the timer expired and the 2 pairings resetted. no city siege. YOU SHALL NOT PASS our netcode

Cue LOTS of nerdrage on the vent.

That night an european server (I think It was Karak Eight Peaks) went to get its first city siege by getting a pretty good push in the very late hours of the night, when few Orders were online to do the chat thingy.

Cue even MORE nerdrage on the forums that day and lots of shit flinging on both sides.

Thats quite probably my most cherished memory in an online game. I was so proud of my fellow WAR players (of both sides) that day, we made history.

/r/MMORPG Thread