What is your highly specific book niche?

I love books where the male character embodies a romantic spirit - in the literary sense of individualism, ambition, and overcoming nature. Someone who is fighting themselves strongly all the while enterprising on grand endeavors. Of course, these endeavors being grand or not is relative to the actor. Regardless, it is a niche as there are not many books that have these kind of characters.

Particularly, in this day and age, I would love to read more modern male characters being pitted against very real problems on our soul. I feel like that we lost a lot of the intellectual aspirations that was once instilled that came with stories; also, it seems there is no more cherishing of those values - ascetic ideals.

Some other niches would be literature that has a lot of historical references in medicine and art. It's weird, but I do like that. I appreciate the education while reading fiction pieces. It convinces me that I am being productive.

/r/books Thread