What is your most memorable dream?

When I was a kid, my parents couldn't afford a sitter, so I would go to my dad's AA meetings sometimes. The folks there didn't mind a kid being around, I was so young they knew I wouldn't understand what they said. Also, my father had asked permission. Anyways, these meetings took place inside an old church. It had a weird playroom with donated toys from who knows how long ago.

One night, I had a nightmare that took place in a building that was essentially a version of this church. I entered the children's playroom, and there was an easel with a stack of pictures on the shelf type thing along the bottom of it. I crept over, and took a look at the top picture that was at the top of the stack. It was a picture of a very old faceless doll. It had the words 'She died' at the bottom of it. The stack of pictures all of a sudden lifted up into the air and started to shuffle themselves. I ran out through the door into the hall and then I woke up.

That's the one dream I still remember, probably almost 20 years later. It wasn't the most terrifying nightmare I've ever had by a long shot. I just remember it being very vivid, very real. Probably my first vivid dream as a kid.

There's lots of things about that church / community center I remember as a kid, all of them creeped me out.

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