What is your worst room mate story?

This is probably not going to be at all related to a situation that you might experience, but here's mine. Sorry for the length.

I've had roommates twice. While they were both bad experiences, the worst was when I lived with my boyfriend's twin sisters. I moved in with him from another state, and they had all agreed that this would be fine.

I had just turned 18 at the time and they were 3 or 4 years older than I was. Things started out fine at first.
I ended up not finding a job straight away, and while I'm not trying to excuse myself - because I wasn't looking as hard as I should have - I was afraid of landing my first interview and job. I was diagnosed with agoraphobia and social anxiety when I was a teenager so I wasn't so great in socially engaging them either - when I did, of course, I was polite and friendly. We added each other on Facebook.

Then they started being weird. I walked out into the living room one day and one of the twins, J, turned around and suddenly shouted angrily at me 'stop doing so much laundry!'
Shocked and confused, I went to our bedroom, cried, and told BF what happened. He went to talk to them and a full on shouting match occurred because BF and I had the audacity to be doing our bedsheets fairly often when we had no A/C in our bedroom and it was the middle of summer. They tried to say it was using too much water.

Then they started to complain that I wasn't spending enough time with them. I would sometimes randomly go and sit in the living room and talk with them. When they had someplace they were going - for a walk, out with friends - they would talk about it in front of me and not ask me if I wanted to go with. Not that I minded, but it was stupid of them to complain when they weren't making an effort either.
They also started to complain about me and BF closing our bedroom door. Yes... Really. We started locking it, too, because they would randomly walk in unannounced. This seriously offended them, no joke.
BF and I found out about these complaints because they would call their mom and complain about it, and make her talk to my BF about it. Instead of trying to talk about it to us at all.

One day we all went swimming. I took pictures and video with my iPod because it was a beautiful swimming hole in the woods, and to capture the fun. Some of them ended up being awkward or dumb, as happens. They asked to borrow my iPod to upload some of the things to FB. I agreed, and they threw up everything. Among them was a video of S, the other sister, wearing her towel on her head and asking if she "looked like a real Arab." This one included talk about an event where an officer had stopped us to ask us about some guys who had parked to swim, left their car unlocked, and had their shit stolen. S referred to herself, J and BF as "the three suspicious Arabs." It was cringy. When I brought it up, saying that it was weird that they uploaded these awkward pictures and videos, they shut themselves up again to scream/cry/complain at their mother. They de-friended me on FB, keeping the pictures of me solely by myself in their pictures. I blocked both of them, and they cried about that to their mother as well, neglecting to tell her that they had de-friended me first. Their mother called and chastised BF for this as well.

We went for laser tag with a friend one night. BF invited them along despite their behavior up until this point - which had escalated to cussing at and berating me when they were angry, and full on screaming "that bitch, that slut" etc when on the phone with their mother, making sure to do it near the wall next to our bedroom while we were in there. Please note that I never returned this. The worst thing I ever said back was that they were being rude, seriously. I was upset and had a quiet argument with him about this, which they eavesdropped on. I don't want to think too much on how often they listened to us in our bedroom, but that's what happened. They then complained later that I was being rude to them by complaining in private to BF about inviting them along. Laser tag happened, they came along, and S screamed 'Bitch' at me when I 'tagged' her during the game. There were kids there. I told BF afterwords, he told me to ignore it and we continued despite this. On the car ride home, the friend that had invited us out made a comedic mention of J's and S's behavior. They flipped the fuck out. They drove to their mom's house that night and told her I was hitting on the friend the whole night. When talking about it later, BF's mom implied to my face that she believed this to be true.

Throughout, they would complain to their mom about me taking BF away from them. They would treat him badly as well, but in the end they would talk about how much they didn't want to lose him and I was tearing the family apart, etc. It was creepy. One time BF had made mention of considering a military career, before we left to go somewhere, to his sisters. We left out the door, came back in a minute later because we forgot something, and were greeted by loud sobbing and shouting about how BF was going to leave them alone by joining the military. They genuinely thought that we would all just stay together permanently, I guess.

Things just escalated from there. I started keeping my stuff in my room because I noticed things that I left out were getting destroyed. J started making threatening physical gestures towards me, leaning in to me during her screaming fits and pounding her fist/palm together. One time I repeated the gesture towards her, telling her that that's what she was doing and it was childish and threatening that she was. They called their mom and told her I tried to hit her.

We said we would move out, or they would. They called their mom and said we were forcing them out. Meanwhile we looked for a house. Eventually they left, but J decided to stay on the weekends by herself because their Mom's house was an hour away and she wanted to keep her job. Despite BF's reassurance otherwise to their mom, it was maintained throughout that we were angrily forcing them out of the home with no other choice, no matter how many times we offered to look for our own place.

First time J came back for the weekend, we had bought two kittens. J flipped out, called their mom and steadily lied while standing in the living room and doing nothing. "Mom, DearestBeloved and BF are trying to hit me right now. BF hit me. I'm so scared. DearestBeloved is such a slut/bitch." Things like that, while we were doing nothing except for telling her to knock her shit off. Some time in between one of our kittens wandered in, and she bent down and screamed at it. Something along the lines of "I don't fucking want you here!" At he kitten. It jumped, scared, and ran the fuck away.

BF's mom told BF I was a bitch and refused to believe that neither I nor him assaulted them. She still tries to talk to him sometimes, and he doesn't like to very much now. She believes that this is my fault, and that I manipulate him into it, just as I did his sisters.

There were lots of shitty little events in between, and I considered leaving a lot. BF wasn't very supportive until the very end, because his whole life up until that point included the family expectation that his sisters be treated like needy, emotionally fragile 12 year olds. I've forgiven him since.

Would not recommend.

/r/AskReddit Thread