[WP] Your mind automatically slows down time as imminent danger approaches. This has helped you to become an athlete, great with parlor tricks and avoid death at every turn! Today, a very attractive member of the opposite sex walks past and flashes you a flirty smile. Time begins to slow.

The whole "love at first sight" thing is a concept that is by every sense of the definition, bollocks. Well to me anyway. I mean the idea that the moment two people first lay eyes on one another they become each other's everything, frankly I struggle to keep a straight face simply contemplating the idea. Maybe thats just be the 21st century cynic inside me talking, the voice that rambles on about how human attraction is nothing more than a chemical surge dictated by society's painting of the ideal partner. By which I mean the sports illustrated and instagram girls flooding the web. But reacently I've come to the conclusion that no matter how loud that side of my brain cries out, those efforts are reduced to white noise by the realist in me, the real realist, not the contemporary douchebag telling me that everything we feel is just evolutionary programming, I'm talking about the reality check, that tells me that no matter how hard we try to give an explanation to how we feel, we can't. Love is not quantifiable, it's not a physical thing we can observe, it is a longing we will never be able to understand. It wasn't until about 20 seconds ago that I realised this, those 20 seconds that would have been 3 to any other man. With any other girl it wouldn't have taken this long for me to come up with some throw away line to spout, but for some reason I can never quite understand Alison, I can never understand why this sense of danger swallows me when she walks past with the same cup of starbucks resting on the same purple folder whilst she wafts that little rocket of hair cascading down one eye before Turning around and throwing the same subtle smile that gets me every time. I can b.s my way out of most situations. I can freeze time long enough to escape a knife, win a race, finish a test, but never long enough to know what to say to that girl just a dozen lockers to my right. Then she goes and does it, she trips.the 2 seconds between her and the ground are God knows how long to me. A generic, sappy romcom moment if ever there was one. Moments like this, where everything falls into place, it makes you think, God must be on my side, and beck if the creator of the cosmos is giving you a hand, you'd be an idiot not to take it. I grab her by the shoulder, time Gordon as usual. "Dont suppose anyone saw that do you?" She says. "Dont worry, it wasn't THAT histerical" I reply. "Sorry bout your coffee" I jesture to the spilled cup. "If you like I could buy you another", "thanks but I wouldn't want to be any trouble, besides I hardly even know you"..... A smirk washes over my face "give me an hour and we can put that problem behind us", "only an hour?" She asks. "Trust me that's all the time I'll need".

/r/WritingPrompts Thread