What's an absolutely outrageous idea for a weapon that would make a great addition to warframe?

Okay okay okay

Here's the idea

This weapon shoots balls of sound. Yeah that is now a thing in physics because I said so.

Except... They're silent ! Unless !... They're not silent if you hit the enemy directly, they're only silent if you let them explode, after like 15 meters ! Silent explosions made of sound, am I right !

Oh and here's the kicker : they bounce off of surfaces ! Balls of sound that bounce off of surfaces, that's brilliant ! And hey while we're at it. Every time they bounce off of a surface, they explode once more ! Why ? Because I said so !

But don't worry about that being silent or whatnot thing, that weapon would never deal stealthy damage, even against blinded enemies and with the suppress mod. Because that would be way too normal.

Okay but then we need to come up with numbers. Okay so zero crit chance because I said so, and the weapon will register accuracy the wrong way so it will tell you that you have 0% accuracy and should uninstall the game ASAP.

Okay so being normal is out of the question (you said it yourself, don't blame me !) so how about this : this weapon says it only deals 50 damage... But that's just the projectile, the explosions it causes deal more damage than that. So, if you hit the floor riiiiight next to the target (which causes a second explosion !) and then bounce it in the target's head, you'll deal like 10 times that damage !

But it also has a special innate multishot effect that's multiplicative with the regular multishot effect ! So it will randomly deal twice as much damage instead !

And then... We'll have the UI show it has 0% status proc chance... But no ! That will only refer to the projectile itself, but the explosions have 25% stat chance ! All sneaky-beaky like !

And we'd call it... Uh, idk, you tell me.

/r/Warframe Thread