An abused dog is shown affection for the first time.

We can eat meat without torturing the animals first. "It's nature" isn't a good enough reason to just ignore the unnecessarily cruel conditions animals have to live in.

Removing teeth, horns, ears and tails isn't needed to get meat and hide from animals. It's "needed" if you want to store said animals in tight conditions or put them in stressful situations where they might hurt somebody/each other, but you don't need to do that in order to get resource from them. In fact, happy animals tend to produce better quality meat and will lower the amount of "unusable" meat that you get from them, like abscessed and infected meat.

Cows don't need to be pent up and constantly pregnant to produce milk. You can have them impregnated on a rota of sorts and rotate them, giving them time to rest and do other happy cow things that they couldn't otherwise do. Even if the process of coercing/milking/storing said cows is stressful, it's marginally better than forcing them to do it constantly.

And their babies, you don't need to take them away asap, tie them up and fuck with their diet/muscles to get veal out of them. The meat from a healthy, happy calf is just as good as one that from tortured calves and it can be argued, again, that the quality of said meat is way better than that of other meat.

Transportation, too, is another issue, that doesn't really even need explaining. There are tons of ways to move and transport animals without hurting them or neglecting them, yet people still shove them all into one huge truck and let the animals figure the rest out.

I'm not even going to touch the topic of hunting and killing whales or seals, or hunting wild animals like foxes. AFAIK it's really only done because they're "exotic", even if whale meat is pretty gross and we have alternatives to real fox fur/whale oil.

So, all in all, the way we do things is pretty fucked and unnecessary. I know that there are humane chains out there that look after their animals, but we can't just use them as a way to ignore the existence of the messed up ones- it's hard to even know which is which unless you disguise yourself as a worker and report it yourself. We need better health and safety checks, we need better animal welfare checks, we need so many different things to be done, yet there's still people like you who argue about how it's "just nature"* and should be ignored.

*This carnal way of thinking that some people have is fucking scary, btw. They're normal otherwise but as soon as you start talking about the welfare of animals or people, they crop up and start whining about nature and respecting it. It borders sociopathic.

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