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In a world where we had perfect, Ian-M-Banks-esque gender fluidity, I wouldn't care about trans people in the slightest: in that world, a trans man would really be a man and a trans woman a woman. But in our world, we can't actually transform people, not with current technology. Like all SJW bullshit, the trans movement is, at its core, about obscuring an important physical reality: in this case, that men remain men and women remain women, no matter how much SJWs wish it were otherwise.

Nobody ever talks about the costs of indulging the wishes of folks with gender dysphoria (much less the larger transtrender community). When we do, we attach shame to perfectly natural categorizations ("how dare you call me a man because I have a beard!"), create linguistic absurdities, and tear apart gender distinctions that make sense, like gender-specific sports and gender-specific locker rooms. The indirect costs of the increased censorship that language policing demands are hard to estimate.

I'm also very concerned, and frankly disgusted, by the movement to "treat" gender dysphoria in young children. A five year old barely knows what gender is. Had I grown up today and toyed with some ideas I had when I was five, my well-meaning, but fad-following parents might have done great social, endocrine, and physical damage to me --- or worse, local child protective custody might have forced my parents to perform this harm. And then I'd have probably killed myself, a trans people are wont to do.

I have no problem with trans people per se. I will call you by whatever name you'd like. I'm gravely concerned by trans advocacy, which paints being uncomfortable with one's biological nature as a trendy, cool thing worthy of respect, and attaching significant oppression points and moral authority. Gender transition should be last resort after therapy and drugs have failed, not some marker of liberal social apotheosis.

I'm concerned that trans advocacy, like all SJW bullshit, further weakens our society's already-atrophied resilience in the face of adversity and temps us toward that easily solipsism of policing problematic language instead of solving problems. In the coming decades, we're going to have to deal with climate change, resource depletion, overpopulation, demographic changes, crop failures, easy biological warfare, and the SJW mentality teaches us to plug our ears instead of listening to solutions.

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