What's the difference between a religion and a cult?

When I look at it, my mind goes toward control and money. For example, I'm a member of a congregation and I consider it a religion, not a cult. I often go to Shabbat service, however, if I don't feel like it I don't go. No one will expect a reason as to why. My rabbi nor anyone from my synagogue controls any of my decisions. I never need to run anything by anyone before doing it. Of course, if I need some sort of spiritual guidance, I can certainly talk to my rabbi, but that's something which comes from me. Money is another thing to look at. I pay yearly dues to my synagogue to be a member. However, I don't hand over all of money to them. It's a small amount. Actually, being a member is optional. I could still attend and not be a member, but I want to pay my share because I get a lot out of it. Also, I've never ever been asked to cut someone out of my life or have limited contact with them. This just isn't something anyone would ever be expected to do. All of what I said above probably doesn't hold true with a cult.

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