You know what's going to spread COVID-19? Abusive managers who discourage sick leave.

I work for a small business that has an "if you're sick, take off" policy. But whether or not I get paid for these days is completely up to the discretion of my employer. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't.

Been home sick for 2 days and my boss will text me with "how are you feeling?" multiple times a day, which I know sounds nice but the reality is, I'm the only employee that works there and it makes me feel pressured into saying I'm fine and that I'll come in, which is exactly what happened. Because I know if I take another day off, production is gonna get backed up and we're gonna have to rush to get shit done when deadlines start coming up.

So even to those of us who have it relatively well as far as this whole thing goes it still sucks because I need money and I don't want to overwork myself later down the line because I'm sick right now.

And now it's 2 am and I'm still sick and I'm gonna go into work tomorrow sick and tired because there's nothing in place allowing me to say with any sort of authority that I need more time off. Because I still have bills I need paid, and at the end of the day I'm completely at the mercy of my employer

/r/antiwork Thread